Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Psychology Today: What is the greatest danger for an uncircumcised boy?
If a baby boy escapes being circumcised in the United States, the next great danger he faces with respect to his penis is a well-baby visit. Many times the boy's primary care provider has no idea on the proper care and handling of an intact penis. These ill-informed doctors wrongly think that they should forcibly retract the foreskin while it is still fused to the glans. The foreskin should never be retracted by anyone other the owner until the foreskin becomes naturally retractable.
Brian Paget: Circumcision: suffer little children
A thoughtful blog about how male infant circumcision is indefensible, even as a religious ritual. Non-medical circumcision should be an adult’s decision over their own body. Circumcising children takes that basic right away from them and makes an irreparable change to a child’s body. Individual right to freedom requires that such physical abuse on those who can’t defend themselves from religion, culture or social convention should not be permitted in a civilised society. Non medical circumcision children should be banned.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Intact News: Acquisition of Erectile Dysfunction from Circumcision
A new study in the International Journal of Men’s Health shows that circumcised men have a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) than intact men. Eighteen percent of adult American men—three-fourths of whom are circumcised—have ED. Every man has the right to good sexual health and to feel sexual pleasure for full psychophysical wellbeing. Erectile dysfunction is devastating to the lives of so many men and their partners, which, when this new data is considered, calls elective circumcision into question.
Male Circumcision and HIV: OCTOBER 29: Cut, Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision
San Francisco is hosting the documentary Cut: Slicing Through the Myths of Circumcision on October 29 from 7pm to 10pm at the Ninth Street Independent Film Center. The event is organized by the Bay Area Intactivists in association with The Whole Network.
Intact News: Dissecting "CUT:" Filmmaker's Podcast Series Offers Analysis, Insight into Circumcision Ethics
Independent filmmaker Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon recently launched a podcast series that investigates the complexities of Jewish circumcision.
Intactivist Blog: Intactivist Artwork from Devon Osel
The post shows some of the artwork and graphics created by an intactivist seeking to show the harms of male infant circumcision. The graphics are intended to make the viewer think about the cultural practice that has outlived its time.
mothering: Acquisition of Erectile Dysfunction from Circumcision
A new study in the International Journal of Men’s Health shows that circumcised men have a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) than intact men. Eighteen percent of adult American men—three-fourths of whom are circumcised—have ED, affecting 18 million men. Circumcision’s role as a risk factor may be reflected in ED drug sales; while the United States represents 5% of the world’s population it also accounts for 46% of Viagra sales. Other studies have previously observed that circumcision’s damage results in worsened erectile functioning, inability to maintain an erection, and reducing the glans sensitivity, including an overall penis sensitivity reduction by 75%. A recent study discovered that premature ejaculation is five times more likely when adjusted for erectile dysfunction and circumcision. A new Danish study also found that circumcised men are three times more likely to have ED.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Moonstar Minus Politics: The Greatest Danger to an Intact Boy
The WHOLE Network: The Greatest Danger to an Intact Boy
A mother writes about an emergency room visit for her son's high fever. At the ER a nurse tries to retract the intact boy's foreskin. After the mother stops the nurse, the nurse argues and contacts DCFS claiming the mother is not practicing proper hygiene. The mother now has to contend with a caseworker. *sheesh* And these are the people we rely upon to take care of our medical needs. PC: the doctor saw no problem with hygiene.
End Routine Infant Circumcision: Whose Body? Whose Rights?
Two YouTube videos examining the ethics and human rights issues of male infant circumcision.
End Routine Infant Circumcision: Circumcision Ends With Me!
A short story by a mother who did not want to circumcise her son. She converted her husband into an intactivist, who now fights for the rights of baby boys to keep all their body parts when born.
Dr Momma: Peaceful Parenting: One Regret
Parents often have body mods done on their infants, such as ear piercing of baby girls. An infant cannot consent to having their body modified. Ear piercing is done for the mother's benefit, not the child's. That the child may grow up wanting her ears pierced does not matter. Children should grow up with their whole body.
Circoncisione Infantile Maschile: I'm a Physician, a Jew, a Father & Grandfather: My position on Circumcision
Notes from Dr. Reiss, who advocates against male infant circumcision. He is a 72 year old retired physician, a Jew who is an active member of a Conservative synagogue, and a grandfather. He says, "If your heart and instincts tell you to leave your son intact, listen!"
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
American Boy Born Abroad
A story about Americans and their son who was born in Germany at a German hospital. The parents are thankful for the birth and appreciate the wonderful care their son received. The Germans, having a culture that does not routinely circumcise baby boys, were very forthcoming with how to care for their intact son. Never retract the foreskin. Only rinse the outside.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Awesatious: It’s not easy being an intactivist
An intactivist comes to terms with the fact that many parents fail to realize how harmful male infant circumcision is to their son. She wonders why it is so hard for parents to leave their children alone, just as they were born, intact and whole.
Awesatious: What does the much hyped 60% HIV decrease really mean?
The 60% reduction for circumcised men is often accepted as gospel. Is it, really? This blogger explores the basis of the statistic to show that the oft-cited number is misleading.
The WHOLE Network: Psychology Today: A 5 Part Series on Circumcision
A list of the links to Psychology Today's recent series on male infant circumcision.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Salem-News: Ban non-therapeutic infant male circumcision
Saving Our Sons: Ban Male Circumcision in Britain
In Britain it is accepted wisdom that female circumcision on minors (now widely referred to as female genital mutilation) is in effect child abuse. How else could you describe carrying out an unnecessary, risky, painful surgery to remove parts of a child’s genitalia? But why do our infant males’ genitals not receive the same protection from cutting?
End Routine Infant Circumcision: Care Of The Infant Intact Penis
Cleaning an intact penis is easy. No care is required! Wipe like a finger if dirty. NEVER Retract.
Salem-News: Petition Calls Attention to Lack of Balance in Circumcision Reporting
Journalists have professional and ethical obligations to present different views on controversial issues. Sadly, journalism seems to be a dead profession. One example is the so-called "journalism" that relies on pro-circumcision press releases instead of any investigative or fair reporting.
Stop the cut: Jewlicious U: Grabbing circumcision by the balls
Circumcision violates international laws enacted by the United Nations. A Jewish man describes the human rights violation of the circumcision ritual.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
End Routine Infant Circumcision: Thoughts On Infant Circumcision
A new video on the harm of non-therapeutic infant circumcision. It is the presenter's first video.
End Routine Infant Circumcision: How Circumcision Affected Me; A True Story
A circumcised man tells how he has lived his life thinking he was normal. Eventually, he learned about circumcision and what he lost by having his foreskin removed when a baby. He is upset that a valuable part of his body, his foreskin, was removed when he was a baby. He would never have consented to such surgery.