How to start restoring your foreskin
A common question for those interested in starting to restore their foreskin is how to start restoring.
Many men restore because two things will happen. First, foreskin restoration will result in a reasonable facsimile of a foreskin. And, second, foreskin restoration will increase sensitivity by allowing the glans and inner foreskin remnant to return to their normal, mucosal state. But it is not all about sensitivity, the foreskin has a gliding action that better stimulates the sensitive bits. The second happens normally as a consequence of the first, but many men want to speed it up. I originally did not want to regain my sensitivity until I had enough skin to protect my newly sensitive glans. But, I regained some sensitivity before I had enough skin. And, it was very irritating having my sensitive glans rubbing against my clothing.
How to start restoring depends upon what is valued more, skin or sensitivity.
I wanna grow some SKIN!
If you want skin, you need to start tugging. Foreskin restorers grow skin by inducing mitosis. Mitosis is induced by tugging the skin so that it stretches to its elastic limit. So much for the science lesson.
When starting foreskin restoration, the penile shaft skin is typically not very mobile. There may be adhesions at the circumcision scar that holds the skin on the shaft to the inner sheath. The skin may not be very flexible because there may not be very much. If you are like most men, you probably have tight shaft skin when you are erect.
Many methods and devices are available for tugging.
A good way to start restoring your foreskin is to use Manual Tugging Method 2. Manual tugging allows beginners to become intimately familiar with their penis in a way that they never have before. Manual tugging will quickly break down any adhesions from the circumcision scar. And, it will rapidly increase shaft skin mobility.
While manual tugging, the beginning restorer can take his time to investigate the various devices and routines to find a tugging method and routine that is comfortable and fits your lifestyle.
Manual tugging takes only a few minutes at a time and can be done whenever you have some privacy. Manual tugging will quickly break down your adhesions and increase your skin mobility and flexibility. These changes are usually seen almost immediately if you have a tight cut. The changes are great motivation for continuing to restore.
Manual Tugging Method 2 uses both hands to tension the skin on the shaft of the penis. Briefly, you wrap your thumb and index finger of one hand around the shaft of your penis near your circ scar. You wrap your thumb and index finger of the other hand around the shaft of your penis near your glans (the head of the penis). Move your hands apart so that your shaft skin is stretched tight. Hold for 5 to 20 seconds and release. Wait a few seconds and repeat. The whole tugging session can last from one minute to a half hour. It is up to you. A good initial tugging routine is to manual tug when you get up in the morning, when you take a shower, each time you go to the bathroom, and when you are watching television or even surfing the net (like when you are reading my blog). A minute or two at a time is sufficient, but you can tug for longer if you have time. I think it important to have several tugging sessions per day.
Manual tugging is not for everyone. Alternatives to manual tugging for beginners include the canister method, cross-taping, and t-tape. Many have started with these methods with great results. They all require medical tape, though. There are numerous tapeless devices, but a beginning restorer usually does not have enough slack skin to wear a device comfortable. The one device that requires the least amount of skin to use is the TLC Tugger.
Cross-taping is usually good only for a short period. If you have a tight cut, cross-taping forces the skin towards the glans. After the skin grows, there will be less tension and less skin growth. Some men use a packer to increase the tension. Cross-taping is also used for increasing sensitivity. There is more on that below.
Give me that SENSITIVITY!
It is possible to get the benefit of increases sensitivity within a short time. Many opt to do this because they are not sure that foreskin restoration is real (It is).
To regain the sensitivity of the glans and inner foreskin remnant, they must be protected just as if you had your original foreskin. Over a period of weeks to months, the covered glans will dekeratinize and become as sensitive it it should be.
The natural penis has a foreskin that typically covers the glans. The glans is an internal organ. The glans and inner foreskin have a covering of mucous membrane, which is the same type of tissue as in your mouth and under your eyelid. Circumcision removes the foreskin and the glans and inner foreskin remnant are then exposed. As a baby, they rub against your diaper. As you grew up, your glans rubbed against your shorts and bed sheets. Over time, they developed a calloused layer or keratinized. The same way that callouses on your hands make your hands less sensitive, the callous layer on your penis makes your penis less sensitive.
To dekeratinize your penis, you must protect your glans and inner foreskin 24/7. An easy way to do this is to pull your shaft skin forward so that it covers your glans. Since someone just starting restoring typically does not have much skin, a common method employed is cross-taping. Not only will the glans be protected, but, if the skin is tight, it will also be tensioned enough to grow, at least initially. Cross-taping is where your skin is pulled forward and a piece of tape is placed from one side of your penis to the other, covering the opening of your skin tube. A second piece of tape is placed cross-wise to the first. The tape prevents the skin from retracting. Soem men use bandaids instead of tape.
Another way is to wear a baby bottle nipple retainer. A silicone baby bottle nipple can be cut up to make a perfect retainer. That is my preferred retainer. When my sensitivity increased to the level where the rubbing against my shorts was irritating, I wore a baby bottle nipple retainer all day and all night. After my skin grew to where my glans was covered during the day, I only wore the retainer to bed to protect against nocturnal erections. As my skin grows even longer, I hope to stop wearing a retainer completely.
Yet another way is to wear a Your-Skin Restoration Cone sold by TLC Tugger. I have two cones and wear one when I misplace my other retainers or I want to mix things up.
Some guys make a tape ring or a tapeless ring to wear as a retainer. To make a tape ring, a several inch length of tape (about 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide) is wrapped around the tip of the foreskin that protrudes past the glans. A tapeless tape ring is a piece of tape made into a ring with the sticky side out, with another piece of tape with the sticky side in on top of the first piece. This forms a ring that can be slipped over the end of the foreskin that extends past the glans. The tape does not stick to your skin.
A new product is the Miracle Restoration Spray that holds your skin forward with a silicone adhesive. The spray is applied to the glans and the foreskin is rolled up. The spray is sticky enough to hold the foreskin forward over the glans. It is the next best thing to having a natural foreskin. But, the spray requires that there be enough skin to easily cover the glans. The spray will not be useful for someone new to restoring unless they have a very loose cut.
Wearing a retainer will not do much for growing new skin, but it does wonders for regaining sensitivity lost by having an exposed glans. There will be some growth when wearing a retainer, depending upon how much tension the retainer applies to your skin. Skin tension goes up when you have an erection, so maybe the secret is to have lots of erections!
Keep on Tugging!
The secret to restoring your foreskin is to find a method that fits into your lifestyle. Then do it for a month and it will become a habit.
Foreskin restoration is a long process. I manual tug and I find that the daily effort is low. The results are definitely worth every tug.
- Coverage index for determining the tightness of a circumcision
- The Real Coverage Index describes stages of foreskin growth
Measuring foreskin restoration progress
- Restoration Device/Product Comparison A good comparison chart with links to the device pages
- Manual Tugging Method 2
- Cross-Taping and Tape Rings
- Illustrated guide to cross-taping by NORM- Phoenix
- greg_b's T-Tape strips and inserts: An Illustrated Guide (right-click to download pdf file)
- Baby bottle nipple retainers
Tapeless foreskin restoring devices
- Beginner's Guide How To Restore Foreskin
- Restoring
Foreskin Restoration / Intactivism Network and forum
- Tally's blog
- Login to post comments
Hey, Tally,
What happened to the site? Everytime I try to access it, I'm taken to a porn site. Any info you have about the site would be appreciated. It's such a great site, I hate to think it's gone.
#2 Site troubles moved to a new web server Sunday. As part of that move we had to change the DNS. Somehow the DNS got corrupted and many people see a parking page that has links to dating and porn sites. We hope to have the problem resolved soon.
#3 Hey I just wanted to know
Hey I just wanted to know something before I start anything. If I change my mind about having foreskin again, is it possible for me to get myself recircumsised?
#4 Foreskin restoration has many benefits
Circumcision is a cosmetic surgery. A man can be circumcised or re-circumcised at any time. It is very rare for a man to restore his foreskin and want to be circumcised again. I know of only one case where a man restored and then got re-circumcised. He was not satisfied with his re-circumcision so he was circumcised again.
Even though foreskin restoration is a slow, drawn out process, the benefits are often seen quickly. The skin gets more flexible and mobile. Sensitivity increases as the glans and inner foreskin remnant dekeratinize. If a man were to decide that these benefits are not good, he can stop tugging and the tissue will keratinize and no more skin will grow. There will even be a slight shrinkage of the newly grown skin as the temporary swelling from tugging goes down. In other words, someone should know soon after starting his foreskin restoration if they like it or not, and stopping before progressing too far will return the penis to almost the same condition as before he started.
#5 i was wondering if some of
i was wondering if some of these same procedures could be used to just fix problems associated with to tight of a circumsicion, but not to completely .regrow the foreskin.
#6 My regret of being circumcised as an older man
I got circumcised at 32, after wanting to for years. There were a few reasons, and I could justify them all at the time. Yet I admit now, it is the biggest regret of my life. I should have researched it more, especially the different styles. The surgeon removed about 90% of my inner foreskin so that my circ scar is very close to the penis head. I have very little sensitive tissue left. Not completely blaming him though. He claimed he did that so the scar mark wouldn't be so obvious as he felt it would take a few years for the scar tissue to disappear. In other words, if it was in the middle of the penis, it would be very noticeable. The downside to all this is I have lost most of that lovely inner foreskin I once enjoyed.
I don't necessarily want a full restoration, just more inner skin so masturbation is easier. I have tried a few restoration techniques over the years but stopped. I saw no results, but it could be because I simply wasn't doing them right or just not long enough. I am planning to return to it, just with manual tugging. Im not fond of wearing actual devices on my penis during the day or night.
I am a person who can honestly claim that it is better to be uncut. I have experienced both worlds, and I would do anything to have my original foreskin and inner skin back. Restoration only mimics the foreskin.
Males who are circumcised at birth will never know the level of sensitivity stripped away from them. I can say, with much sorrow, that you do not know what you have got, until it is gone.
Be warned anybody who thinking of getting circumcised. It is not worth it.
#7 Adult circumcision.
I wish you could have been interviewed on the Ricki's show episode on circumcision. At least, her show would not have been one-sided.
You are right that restoration only mimics the foreskin, but it does bring back a good part of the original sensitivity. You do not need devices to restore: Tally himself depended on manual methods, and his dedication to help men start and complete their restoration examplar. Most of the restorers use manual methods at least as an adjunct to their routine. I would strongly suggest that pursue your restoration. Even though it will not be the original, it will allow you to look to the future instead of regretting what was done on the basis of wrong information.
#8 Thanks Alfred. Do you mean
Thanks Alfred.
Do you mean Ricki Lake's show? The debate over circumcision is back, with experts claiming you have less chance of acquiring HIV with a cut penis. They also claim a cut penis is less likely to give a woman cervical cancer. I do not believe in tapering with nature anymore. Yes, I admit some cut penises look really nice, but the loss of sensitivity is just not worth it. When I was intact, I could roll the foreskin back in the shower, and the force of the water would be too much for the head of my penis. Now,I hardly feel anything when that water is gushing down on it. That in itself proves how much sensitivity has been lost. I now regularly use shear butter cream to try to bring some sensitivity back. A foreskin is there for a reason, to protect the glands and assist with intercourse. If I could turn back time, I would have my foreskin back in a heartbeat. Hopefully I will get results this time around with the tugging. I am more hopeful now that I have seen better diagrams on how to perform this.
Anybody who is reading this, and has been considering circumcision because they think it looks better, please reconsider. Be grateful for what you have, it is there for a reason.
#9 A Question on What Restoring Sensitivity Consists of
Hello! Right now, I have medical tape in hand and am about to begin my journey in foreskin restoration. I have previously found myself to be a CI-2 and an RCI-2 or 3, but I am a little uncertain as to what the restoration actually consists of. I have cross-taping in mind, at least when starting.
I would like to try to regain the glans' sensitivity first. I recognise that:
• As a result of being exposed to the outside world continually for years on end, the glans of the circumcised will become horny [keratinous], akin to a callus forming on one's toe. This reduces the glans' sensitivity and, in some cases, changes the glans' colour to match the rest of the skin. The glans, which was initially a mucous structure (like the back of one's eyelids), becomes more like the skin on one's arm.
• To regain the glans' full intrinsic sensitivity, the horny invisible callus needs to be destroyed.
• For the callus to disappear, the glans must be continually covered. In most males, the foreskin serves this purpose, keeping the callus from forming in the first place.
My questions are:
• How is the glans' sensitivity restored? Does it come with the restoration of the foreskin, as a result of being covered continually? I'm considering cross-taping; would that work to bring back sensitivity?
• Is it possible to re-obtain the glans' sensitivity first, and then restore the skin itself? What would this consist of, and how would it continue through the restoration process? Is de-keratinising done before restoring the actual skin, or in conjunction with it, or what?
• Is there, at any point in the de-keratinising process, a shedding of a horny layer of skin comparable to a snake moulting? Or is the process gradual, observable only by the increased pleasure in the area, the return of the natural colouration, et cetera? How do I know when the glans' sensitivity is fully restored? (Notice — I acknowledge that the Meissner's corpuscles in the foreskin are irreplacable with current technology. But the glans is not removed in any circumcision except botched ones, and if I recall correctly, the glans' full sensitivity can be returned.)
Thank you to anybody who can answer these questions about restoration.
#10 Answers to questions
Q: How is the glans' sensitivity restored?
A: The glans is not that sensitive, even for an intact man. The glans has mostly pressure and pain sensors. The fine touch sensors are in the inner foreskin and frenulum. Dekeratinization will allow the inner foreskin remnant and frenulum to regain their lost sensitivity.
My glans, although it feels good to stroke it, is not where I get most of my sexual pleasure. Most of my sensitivity and pleasure is focused in my frenulum remnant and then in my inner foreskin remnant. My glans corona is also sensitive.
Cross-taping, like other retaining methods, will keep the glans covered, allowing sensitivity to be regained.
Q: Is it possible to re-obtain the glans' sensitivity first, and then restore the skin itself?
A: These are two issues. A person can protect their mucous membranes and thereby regain lost sensitivity. A person can restore their foreskin to regain some of the lost functionality of the foreskin. You can do both at once, or one at a time. If you restore, you will naturally regain lost sensitivity when there is enough skin to cover the glans 24/7.
Wear a retainer to pull your skin forward and protect your inner foreskin and glans. This will allow you to regain your sensitivity.
Restore your foreskin to regain some lost functions such as the gliding action and the natural protection of your inner foreskin and glans.
Q: Is there, at any point in the de-keratinising process, a shedding of a horny layer of skin comparable to a snake moulting?
A: No.Dekeratinization is the natural sloughing off of the callous layer covering the mucous membrane. The callous layer does not come off in one piece. Sometimes it looks like a peeling sunburn. Sometimes it is invisible. Dekeratinization can happen in a week or it may take months. Do it. You will know when it happens.
#11 Restoring the early days
To prevent further keratinising of the glans, use sheabutter cream on it three times a day. This cream itself will help soften the skin and slowly remove that rough skin that has formed over the years. I gave up on taping years ago as it was a nuisance. I just prefer to manual tug whenever I get the time. It is better than nothing!
#12 Foreskin restoration
I wish that my Parents had not had me circumcized. I wish that at least they would have waited so that I could have made up my own mind. I mean it is my body. I have been restoring for about two months now using manual tugging and I'm already seeing results,but I know that I have a long way to go. I never realized how much something like this can mess with your mind. I feel like I've been robbed.