I was "circumcised" the day I was born, like most. Next to the words "reason to operate" were the hand written words "live birth". Since when is "live birth" a disease? My mother claims that she does not remember signing a consent form, so I assume they forged her signature.
Like most men, I was not aware of what was missing while growing up. When I noticed the drawings of Greco-Roman nudes and statues, I asked my mother "Why didn't they finish drawing it?" I guess she explained this to me, but I have no audible memory of her words. I was trying to figure out what she was saying, and was thoroughly confused.
When mother told me that I could be drafted one day, I told her I would cut my penis off She replied "You will bleed to death." I hadn't bled to death from the scar they gave me, and could not figure out how they did this. I was glad I did not have to do it again, but was instinctively curious.
When I grew older, in the back of my mind, I was always curious as to what that foreskin thing was all about. I had mixed and confused feelings, but knew that I wish I had been consulted. Assuming my Dad was cut, I was surprised to find out that he was not circumcised when he told me 35 years later. I grew up in a family that did not support nudity as anything good, so much so that when I went to life drawing classes, I was mortified. That mortification was intensified when I first witnessed a "circumcision."
I saw Wayne Griffiths on television, and wanted to restore my foreskin. Fourteen years ago, my restoration was trial and error. I had the time and was unemployed, so I decided to venture out and try restoring. I did not want the whole thing, or so I thought. Once I started into the first two weeks, that light bulb went off over my head and I learned what the purpose of full coverage meant. I could not have it all at that point, and it made me ill to think I would have to wait years to get some of this back. My inventions and trials over the next 6 years led me to give up expansion because of the extreme excision of my ventral tissues not allowing for a more complete restoration. There is flat, permanently creased tissue where some device was placed during my circumcision and where inflexible scar tissue developed.
Now, my days revolve around when I will shower and reapply my tape ring, which I have to wear daily to retain the effect of full coverage. The loose scrotal tissue compensates for this. My nocturnal erections don't wake me up anymore, but I do wake up if the tape slips off or becomes loose causing a choking sensation. I then curse the fucker who did this and only hope he is suffering the same disturbance somehow. It is so easy to get angry, and why I write such acerbic letters to shows like "The Doctors" and "'Dr.' Oz".
My envy of intact men exists in a way I cannot describe. Its beyond green. When I visit Europe, I call it "the land of the mostly intact." The only consolation I get is the fact that I may have, via my intactivism, stopped someone from suffering a tainted existence of the permanently sexually subjugated.
The above post is by litmustest, a guest blogger who is an intactivist and fights for genital integrity.
Like many others, litmustest suffers from a botched circumcision. I am saddened to think of the many men who likewise suffer from their infant circumcisions. I thank litmustest for sharing his thoughts on the Restoring Tally blog. He confirms that male infant circumcision harms men and is a practice that needs to stop. ~ Tally
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#1 forged consent
Hello Tally,
I know that during my hospital birth, they bombarded me with paperwork less than 5 minutes after my daughter was born, and they weren't messing around. In my daze I signed many forms that weren't read, explained quickly, or not explained at all. I can only assume that this is the best time to get these papers signed, when mom is not fully with it. I'm not sure exactly of when you were born, but perhaps during the mid/end of the twilight sleep 'knock em out drag em out' era, and they very well may have forged her signature, or even snuck it in with a different form. As we have seen before, without consent, these butchers will still cut babies and then try to cover their tracks. I'm so sorry these people did this to you, and I am glad to see you speaking out for for human rights for those innocent victims who cannot.
#2 excuse me, I see this is a
excuse me, I see this is a guest post. Same sentiments to you, L.