Baby bottle nipple retainers

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Before I started restoring my foreskin, my penis was not very sensitive. My glans and shaft were the same color and texture as my arm. That is, my penis looked just like normal skin. Also, it was not particularly sensitive. I lost a lot of sensitivity with 50 years worth of rubbing against my shorts. The rubbing calloused my mucosal membranes. Then, I started restoring my foreskin.

After 2 months of manual tugging, my shaft skin was very wrinkled. I was almost a CI-3 on the coverage index scale. My inner foreskin remnant was starting to bunch up against my corona. With my inner foreskin remnant bunched up and protected, it started getting sensitive.

Unfortunately, as I moved around the bunching of the inner foreskin rolled back and forth against my shorts. The rubbing of the newly sensitive inner foreskin was very irritating. The solution was to pull my growing foreskin forward so that the inner foreskin would stay inside and be protected.

At first, I used my extra DTR gripper as a retainer.  The silicone gripped my foreskin very well when I pulled my skin over my glans.  It also stayed on well when I tossed and turned at night. But, I lost it. So, I decided to make a replacement. The DTR site has instructions for making a new gripper, but I could not find Dr. Brown's nipples in my area.

I tried Avent brand nipples, and they were fine when I first started. But, as I grew more skin, they turned out to be too short. I tried the Playtex Wide Large nipples, but they were way too large for me.

I finally found the Born Free brand of Wide-neck silicone nipples. The Born Free nipples are almost identical to the DTR gripper, but they are slightly thinner and more pliable, which is nice. The bell shape is good because it grips on the sides of the nipple and stays on better than the shorter Avent brand nipple.

Side-by-side comparisons

The picture below is a side-by-side comparison of the various baby bottle nipples I tried. The edges in the picture may look jagged, but the silicone is soft and pliable. I cannot feel the edges. The edges are not sharp, nor do they irritate me.

Comparison of different silicone baby bottle nipples cut into foreskin retainers

The DTR nipple pictured is the holeless gripper that came with my DTR. The Born Free nipple is slightly taller than the DTR nipple. Both the DTR (Dr. Brown's) and the Born Free nipples have cylindrical walls that grip the skin on the sides. The Avent and Playtex nipples are more dome shaped. The Playtex VentAire Advanced nipple is just waaay too large for me to wear.

When I was CI-4 or less, the dome shape of the Avent nipple retainer worked because the skin was stretched to cover the glans and the Advent nipple retainer held fine. As my skin grew so that I could pull it past my glans, the cylindrical shape of the DTR (Dr. Brown's) and Born Free nipples worked better at gathering the tip of my foreskin past my glans.

Making the foreskin retainer

I used a sharp knife to cut the baby bottle nipples into the pictured retainers. I used a plastic pill bottle that was slightly larger than the nipple. I stretched the nipple over the bottle as far as it would fit. I used a sharp knife to cut around the bottom flange of the baby bottle nipple. I then used the point of the knife to cut the sucking end of the nipple off.

The size of the hole at the top is not too critical. If you have a lot of skin that extends past your glans when flaccid, a larger hole will allow you to pull your skin through the foreskin retainer. I don't have that much skin, yet.

Wearing the foreskin retainer

When I started, I preferred the Avent brand nipple retainer, but as my skin got longer, the straight sides of the Born Free (same as Dr. Brown) nipple retainer do a better job of gripping my skin. I sleep nude and the nipple retainers stay on all night, even when I toss and turn.

Avent baby bottle nipple foreskin retainer for restoring men Born Free baby bottle nipple foreskin retainer for foreskin restoration TLC Tugger Your-Skin Cone foreskin retainer for restoring foreskin

The pics to the left show me wearing (1) an Avent baby bottle nipple foreskin retainer, (2) a Born Free baby bottle nipple foreskin retainer, and (3) a TLC Tugger Your-Skin Cone foreskin retainer.

At first, I wore the baby bottle nipple retainer whenever I was not manual tugging. I wore it all day and at night when I went to sleep. After 4 or 5 months of wearing the foreskin retainer I had enough slack skin that my underwear would keep me covered during the day. I wear briefs and they are tight enough that my foreskin is held in place. At night I sleep in the nude, so I graduated to wearing a retainer only when I went to bed. My ultimate goal is to have enough skin to not have to wear a retainer at all.

To put the foreskin retainer on, I just pull the skin forward until the foreskin covers my glans. I pull the forward by making the OK sign with one hand, like I am about to manual tug with method 2, and then pulling (or pushing) my foreskin towards and over my glans. I place the retainer over the tip of the foreskin so that there is some skin touching all the way around the inside lip of the retainer. When I let my foreskin naturally retract, the skin rolls down and pulls the retainer with it. I don't have to force it or try to make the retainer go around my skin. The secret to keeping the retainer on is to have the foreskin slightly pull against the retainer.

For the best grip, the retainer should be clean, as well as the foreskin. I wash the foreskin retainer with soap and water. After drying with a towel, the silicone grips the skin very well.

For those guys who have some flaccid overhang, a packer will help tension the skin. The packer is placed against the tip of the glans and the foreskin is pulled over the glans and packer. I may start doing this soon. I have enough flaccid overhang that, when it is cold, the tip of my foreskin puckers and is too small for the retainer.

Retaining versus Tugging

For the most part, holding the foreskin over the glans does not tension the foreskin sufficiently to induce mitosis. Wearing a retainer is not a good way to tug the skin because the tension is so light.

But, when first starting out, the shaft skin may be tight when pulled over the glans. If so, there may be enough tension of the foreskin by the retainer to induce mitosis. Also, nocturnal erections will increase the tension of the foreskin. My retainer stays on all night, even when I have erections.

As described above, the foreskin can be tensioned by using a packer. TLC Tugger sells packers. Some resourceful restorers have made their own packers and this is how they restore.

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#1 Your-Skin Cone should be a tad wider than the glans

Your-Skin Cones are now supplied clear like the bottle nipples shown.

The white Your-Skin Cone shown in the article is not well-fitted to the penis pictured. It shoudl be a bit wider. TLC Tugger offers a 3-month no-questions-asked refund/resize option period and a full year warranty on the Your-Skin Cone and all our latex-free food-grade silicone devices.


#2 retainer

I've found that a polyurethane condom (eg Avanti), cut to about 4" length, makes a very effective retainer. I've been using the same one, washed now and then, for over a year.

#3 thank you

Thank you for sharing, you have made my life better, keep promoting dickskin stetching, if you had a bisness card i would pass them out.

#4 Giving this an attempt for restoration

I've never done this and have had sensitivity issues now, for some time. I have very rough, scaly glans and have mch to blame towards woman in my life not knowing what their doing and dry rubbing me during oral sex with their hand. My current girlfriend has been the worst for this and her wanting sex 2-3 times a day had brought my arrousal due to lack of any feeling to an abrubt halt. It started by not wanting to say during sex that she was hurting me and then not fillfilling myself most of the time while using alternative methods to fullfill her. I finally had to say something after it had gotten so bad and I did the research. I told her to never stroke me without adequite saliva or lube. I can start with an erect penis and quickly droop after she touches me and the agony and disastisfaction would ruin my demeanor and disrupt my abiliity to hold any erection. She has even made me bleed before. So in my search to figure out how to fix this it seems a common.iszue and resolve is restoration. I used to be so sensative id pre-ejaculate before. Now I go 2 hours and fall tired with exhaustion and nothing but frustration when getting so close and never reaching an orgasm. K appreciate this site and intend to keep in touch with my new venture in restoring and caring for my body. I'm curious if it is worth using an lotions to attain additional smoothness or if it is better to get myself sweaty throughout the day. I've found if I don't wipe myself down with a towel after sex that the body okls seem to promote snoother skin.

#5 Keep it covered

To improve the texture and sensitivity of your glans and inner foreskin remnant, you need to keep covered 24/7. I have used Vitamin E oil to retain moistness of my penis. Others use hand creams and moisturizers. But to keep your penis healthy long term, you need to keep your skin covered.

Another alternative is to wear something like the Manhood to keep your penis covered so it keeps its natural condition.

#6 communication is key

If she's doing something that hurts you, you should talk to her about it early on not let things go on until you're injured.  Conversely you both could talk about things you like that eachother does, things you'd like to do etc etc.  No one's a mind reader... open communicatin is key.  Even after you've restored, it still isn't going to be good for her to do that with no extra lube and you may end up right back where you are now with some kind of injuries.

#7 healthy glans

what does a healthy glans look like what  shoud it be red or pink or

#8 Pink and shiny

A healthy glans has the appearance of mucous membranes on other parts of your body. A healthy glans will have a color ranging from pink to purple. A healthy glans will also be smooth, shiny, and glossy. For pictures of healthy glans, see the Celebrating Foreskin glans pages. Celebrating Foreskin also has pictures of shiny glans.

#9 healthy glans

thanks          roy b

#10 sizes?

I'm curious what the different sizes of those nipples are, in mm, as shown in the picture with the 4 of them cut up and ready to use?  I'm assuming they're all cut at the base where they start to flare out to be held by the lid of the bottle. Really dont want to go to the drugstore with my caliper and stand there measuring 'em lol

#11 Beginning Restoration

Hello! Firstly, a bit of background. I was born in the US and so routine-circumcised. Fortunately, I am still a teenager so 1) my sex life hasn't yet begun, and 2) restoring should be easier than if I were to start later on, and I can enjoy the benefits longer.
[Of course, once stem cells or something allows me to get a ridged band and lost Meissner's corpuscles back, which can't be too far, I'll use them to truly restore it completely. Given we have grown rat hearts and kidneys, and human tracheae and bladders, surely skin with blood vessels, nerves, and muscles can't be too far behind. Until then, this is better than nothing ^_^;]
Talking with my physician a few days ago, she seems supportive but has no details. For this, allow me to ask a few questions:
• Will I need to keep this on every day until there is enough restored foreskin to re-cover the glans? If so, should I keep the same one on (presumably washing it) or must I change it for a new one? Relevant to this, should I just use this for some time before restoring the skin, or should I do both right from the start? Also, how would I know if this is 'working' to dekeratinise the glans or not? I've heard colour change, but what else?
• Is it still okay for me to pleasure myself (you know what I mean) while doing this without detrimenting the procedure? That would consist of taking it off for a moment, having my fun, and then putting it back. Should I wash my glans afterward? (Should it apply, I do not use any artifical lubricants or the like. Just my hand and myself.)

If it would help to know, I also sleep naked. Although I remember from elsewhere on here that tugging is most effective when cyclical and not constant, what about dekeratinising the glans? Thank you to anyone who can assist.

#12 Foreskin Restoration info

First, wearing a retainer will not restore your foreskin. The purpose of the retainer is to pull your skin forward to protect your glans. A protected glans will soon return to its natural sensitivity, allowing you to enjoy your favorite body part. If you wear a retainer, you need to wear it 24/7 or as long as necessary to keep your glans covered 24/7. Proper hygiene requires that the retainer be regularly cleaned by washing (if it is washable) or by replacing it (if it is not washable).

Second, if you want to restore your foreskin, you need to tug your skin. See the Beginner's Guide to Foreskin Restoration for information. Tugging can be for a few minutes at a time (if you manual tug) to several hours at a time (if you wear a device). There are many methods and techniques, and they all work. The key is to find a method and routine that fits your lifestyle so that you tug regularly.

You can use your penis as you like when you are not tugging (or wearing a retainer). After you regain your sensitivity from keeping your glans covered, wash your penis with water. Do not use soap because it will dry out and irritate the mucous membranes. Rinsing with water is adequate for almost everyone.

#13 Firstly, thank you for the

Firstly, thank you for the information and incredibly prompt reply, and for clearing up many of my questions.
To specify and ensure my own understanding, allow me to first state that I understand that restoring the glans' sensitivty and restoring the actual skin are two separate matters. By my first question, I was wondering whether I would need to (near-)continually use a retainer until the glans is covered. IPerhaps I could better phrase it – how do I tell when I no longer need it? Is it simply by vision that I would tell whether the glans is covered? I would assume on my own I should keep the uncovered portion of the glans covered until the entirety of it is protected by skin; is this the case? Forgive me if I appear naïve; in a sense I am in this regard, near-completely unaware as to all these details. Thank you in advance for your reply.

#14 Learn by doing

The best way to get answers to questions like yours is to start wearing a retainer.

After you regain full sensitivity from wearing a retainer, you will know when you have enough skin to not wear the retainer. When you have enough skin to cover your glans, your sensitive bits will be protected and you will not have irritation from those sensitive bits rubbing against your clothes. You will know that you no longer need to wear a retainer when you can comfortably not wear it. 


#15 Using a condom

Hi, I've regretable circumcised last year and now i'm starting to loose the sensitivity on my glans, is putting a condom helpful to restore the sensitivity ?? 

#16 Cheaper

You can get a hookah silicon grommet and its cheaper than the tlc and its the same material and same shape.

#17 Cheaper What?

^^ hookah silicon grommet ^^

Wow, the geometry is not the same but the basic idea is similar.  I wonder how they're able to make them so cheap.  This must be something that hookah lounges buy by the thousands so each user has a fresh mouth interface?  

We just need to get the market for restoring into the millions so we can tool up for mass production and buy silicone in 55 gallon drums.