Foreskin restoration

Happy 9th Birthday,! is 9 years old today.

Yep, March 20, 2009, was the day that came online. Another, similar website announced it was shutting down. Rather than lose a valuable resource and a place for men to get together, I decided to build this site. And here we are.  Read more . . .

Happy 8th Birthday,!

Happy Birthday card to RestoringForeskin.orgIt was eight years ago today that first came on-line.

I do not like celebrating birthdays, but I will make an exception here.



  Read more . . .

Happy 7th Birthday,!

Birthday card saying: Happy seventh birthday, Restoring Foreskin.orgI really need to update more often. I cannot believe it has been a year since I last posted here. *sigh*

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RESTORING!! I started the foreskin restoration site seven years ago. Time flies.

There are not many places on the Internet for men. I get a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside knowing that is one place for men to get help about an issue that affects so many. My hope is that this site stays on-line for a long time.

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Happy 6th Birthday,!

Happy 6th Birthday Restoring Foreskin websiteI don't like celebrating my birthday. Never have. I do not like to admit that I am getting older. But I am glad that I am still around.

But the website I founded,, is special. I don't mind celebrating its birthday. Every year that the site remains up and active means more men who are able to regain some of what they lost when they were circumcised.

I plan on keeping around for a long time. I have improvements and enhancements that I want to make to the site. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day. I want to move the site to a new, faster server. I also want to make the site more responsive and available to everyone.

More than 2 million people have visited the public side of in the past 6 years. There have been more than 4 million page views in that time. I am amazed at the number of people who are learning about foreskin restoration. I ardently hope that that the incidence of male infant circumcision is decreasing as more learn about foreskin restoration. Read more . . .

Happy 5th Birthday,!

Happy fifth birthday, Restoring Foreskin.orgFive years. They have gone by quickly.

It was five years ago that the foreskin restoration website came on-line. Two weeks before the site's birth the predecessor site announced that it was shutting down. There was nothing to do but to start a new site. So I did.

It has been a turbulent and enjoyable ride. I and QBMan put in an incredible number of hours those first months to get the website built and running. Not to mention fix all the problems. I still put in a lot of hours maintaining and managing the site. But I also get to meet a lot of great men who are striving to better themselves.

The public face of has been seen by more than 1.6 million people. There have been more than 3.3 million page views in that time. I am amazed at the number of people who are learning about foreskin restoration. I ardently hope that that the incidence of male infant circumcision is decreasing as more learn about foreskin restoration. Read more . . .

5 year progress report for my foreskin restoration

5 years of foreskin restorationFive years. 60 months. It seems like I have been restoring my foreskin for a long time. I have trouble remembering what it was like before I started restoring my foreskin. 

Like most other men, though, I wish I had started years before I did. That way I would have enjoyed the benefits of foreskin restoration for much longer.

After 5 years of tugging my foreskin, I am not yet done. I would have been, and I thought I was done, but I lost 45 pounds since early last year. 

The weight loss resulted in a reduction of my fat pad on my abdomen. That means my penis sticks out further. About 1 inch further. With a longer penis, my foreskin cannot cover it the same as before my weight loss. My coverage index went from full flaccid coverage with a bit of overhang, about CI-7 or CI-8, to not quite full flaccid coverage, about a CI-5. With continued tugging, I am back to about CI-6. I have full flaccid coverage most of the time, but my restored foreskin still occasionally spontaneously retracts. More length will fix that. I know because it used to be long enough to not spontaneously retract. Read more . . .

Happy 4th Birthday,!

Happy birthday Restoring Foreskin.orgHappy fourth birthday Foreskin Restoration.orgI am so embarrassed. Foreskin restoration site had its 4th birthday last week and I missed it.

Four years ago (plus a week) the popular foreskin restoration site announced that it was shutting down in two weeks. Craig, the site admin, was not responding to anyone's request for information. Nor was he responding to any offers to take over the site. We were about to lose a great resource for restoring men.

I saw the need for a replacement site and quickly got to work. I posted a request for help in building a new site. We had two weeks. If a new site was to be built before shut down, it would require more than one person. QBMan, a Canadian restorer, stepped up and volunteered. Others volunteered to be beta testers.

We quickly got to work and in two weeks went live. It took a while longer to get the rough edges worked out. In fact, we are still working on making the site better. Read more . . .

Hanging lower after foreskin restoration

Rubber Bull Balls Truck Nuts Blue from Amazon.comI was recently asked about the scrotum. A man starting to restore his foreskin noticed that his ball sack was hanging lower and he was concerned about it.

A common side effect of male infant circumcision is too much skin is removed. Men end up with tight erections. That is, when erect, their shaft skin is stretched taut. Because there is not enough skin to accommodate the man's erect length, skin from the scrotum is pulled to help cover the shaft during an erection.

Foreskin restoration expands the skin on the shaft. As more shaft skin grows, less skin needs to be borrowed from the scrotum. Eventually, the scrotum will hang naturally because it is not being pulled up the shaft.

Sometimes, men starting to restore their foreskin notice little progress, even though they are are tugging and tugging. What often happens is that the newly grown skin allows the scrotum to return to its natural position. It is only after the scrotum skin stops being pulled up the shaft that restoring progress is seen. Read more . . .

50 Month progress report for my foreskin restoration

50 Month progress report for restoring my foreskinI am running late with reporting my foreskin restoration progress. I had intended to write a 4 year progress report. Yep, four years. I started restoring in August 2008.

My initial progress was fast. Within 18 months my penis was unrecognizable because I had restored so much of my foreskin. I had full flaccid coverage most of the time. With full flaccid coverage I no longer had that irritation of my penis rubbing against my shorts. I had restored the full luster of my glans and inner foreskin remnant such that the mucous membranes were shiny and pink. I also had the gliding motion of the foreskin. The gliding action was a new experience for me and turned out to be the best part of restoring.

My progress slowed after that, mostly on purpose. With full flaccid coverage I had reached a major milestone. I reduced my tugging sessions from one to two hours a day to about 10 to 15 minutes most days. I was happy with my restored foreskin and I was less motivated to get more. Read more . . .

Weight loss and foreskin restoration

Everyone knows that losing weight is healthy and good for you. Right?

Seven years ago I started my own business. I was a little overweight at that time, and the stress of running my own business and the lack of time to exercise and play ensured that I stayed overweight. I even gained a couple pounds a year over the last five years. I was not satisfied with my sedentary lifestyle and my slowly increasing body girth.

This spring I found Mark's Daily Apple, a website that promotes primal living. I always liked eating low carb and high fat food. I felt full and satisfied eating that way, not at all like when I ate a low fat diet and was always hungry. I first started eating low carb, high fat about 13 years ago when I was on the Atkins Diet. I followed it for a couple years, but I grew lax about following the program. The pounds returned as my eating habits leaned more toward high carb and processed foods.

Reading Mark's Daily Apple inspired me to watch what I ate and to start exercising in earnest. I became better at strictly keeping my carbs low. Controlling my eating habits helped me lose weight and the exercise has made me feel more alive. I have been losing about 1 to 2 pounds a week for several months. Read more . . .