Roland Clark is an inventor with several United States patents for foreskin restoration devices. Roland is a true innovator, working to bring foreskin restorers various kinds of devices for restoring foreskin.
Roland Clark received United States Design Patent Number D375,358 for his penis uncircumcising device (PUD). A design patent protects the aesthetic appearance of an invention. In Roland's case, the patent protects a two piece penis foreskin stretching instrument. A pdf file of the patent is available here or it can be viewed at the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) website.
The patented invention has two pieces. The first piece resembles the anatomical PUD. The second piece slides over the end of the first piece, making the device longer and heavier.
In use, the first piece is placed against the glans penis. The available foreskin is rolled up onto the end of the shaft of the first piece and taped in place. Because the first piece is made of metal and is heavy, the weight pulls the foreskin down when the man stands up and lets the first piece hang. The weighted tension forces the man's skin to grow at an accelerated rate, thereby restoring the foreskin. The second piece fits over the end of the first peice and adds weight for tugging.
The figure to the right is Figure 2 from the patent showing the first piece below the second piece.
The figure to the left is Figure 5 from the patent showing the two pieces in the engaged state.
The YouTube video below is a clip from a 2006 British documentary showing three men explaining the foreskin restoration devices they sell. Roland Clark, Dr. James Haughey, and Ron Low appeared in the BBC documentary Circumcise Me. Roland Clark shows his PUD: penis uncircumcising device, which is based on the patented device shown here.
YouTube Video: James Haughey, Roland Clark, Ron Low - Foreskin Restoration Devices
- American Bodycrafters, sellers of the PUD (Penis Uncircumcising Device)
- Penis Power Quarterly, July, 1993: The P.U.D.-- Revolutionary New Foreskin Restoration Device
- The P.U.D. Penile Uncircumcising Device
#1 pld
can someone help me find one of these. thanks from amercan body crafters but want one cheaper or sold by other company.
#2 Do it yourself
There are many options for using weights to tug. One option is to use a spark plug socket as a PUD. See the instructions at Apollo Technologies. They even sell a socket with a bolt for adding weight.
Just find something heavy about the right diameter and tape it on. I have even heard of one guy using a trailer ball as a weight.That seems a bit heavy to me, but he was happy with it.
#3 what a great blog!
It's very exiting to find this website. I don't have much to add to the conversation, but I'm right here with you. This post said exactly what I have been thinking. Good to see you posting.