Intactivism: Week in Review April 30, 2011

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San Francisco MGM Bill to ban male infant circumcision Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.

The big news this week was that the San Francisco MGM Bill effort collected almost double the required signatures to get the Bill on the ballot in November. The San Francisco MGM Bill website has the full text of the bill.  The Male Circumcision and HIV blog is one of many bloggers and news organizatins writing about the successful gathering of signatures to get the bill on the ballot in November. CBS Health reports in a typical style: lots of puns and the obligatory circumcised banana.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

YouTube Video CanadianGirlsTalk: Circumcised Is ??? Ummm...
Susie and Richanda have been getting comments from circumcised guys who seem to think they discriminate against them. This video responds to that.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Intact America Press Release: Intact America Tells Doctors to Put Down The Knife!
Intact America, an organization founded in 2009 to abolish the practice of infant and child circumcision, has launched a campaign calling upon American doctors to stop performing medically unnecessary circumcisions on babies and children.

The Guggie Daily: Color Blind
A parody of infant circumcision using the example of parents removing the ability of a child to see in color. It sounds stupid, but so do the reasons given for infant circumcision.

San Francisco Examiner:  San Francisco male circumcision ban has enough signatures for ballot, backers say
It looks like the San Francisco male infant circumcision ban measure is going to be on the ballot in November. Lloyd Schofield says that they have gathered much more than the minimum number of signatures to move the ballot measure forward so voters can vote on it. "We don’t come at this from a religious angle. We feel this is a very harmful thing," Schofield said. "Parents are guardians. They are not owners of children. It’s a felony to tattoo a child."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

DrMomma Peaceful Parenting:   12,265 Signatures Submitted in Support of San Francisco MGM Bill
Happy supporters of genital integrity for all children are pictured holding a box of signatures that will hopefully see the circumcision ban measure reach the voters in the November election.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

BellyBelly:   Circumcision – To Circumcise or Not Circumcise?
Parents want to make the best decision for the health of their children, but not all Australian state health departments and medical bodies are equally forthcoming with information for parents on the risks of circumcision and care of the normal (intact) penis. Infants experience excruciating pain during circumcision and for weeks afterwards, and they can show behavioural changes such as frequent crying, avoidance of physical contact, reduced feeding, and sleep disturbance. Local anaesthetic creams such as EMLA are not adequate, and a general anaesthetic poses a significant risk for infants under the age of six months. Adult circumcision is less painful as men can undergo general anaesthesia and receive pain relief during the post-operative period.

Homebirth in Austin: Peaceful Parenting: Will Circumcision Soon Be Illegal in San Francisco?
A homebirth midwife in Austin, Texas, is pleased to see the progress of the infant circumcision ban bill in San Francisco. She points out that there is no medical reason justifying male infant circumcision.

Robert's Virtual Soapbox: Stop male genital mutilation
There is consensus that female genital mutilation, even for — perhaps especially for — religious reasons should be banned throughout the United States of America, but male genital mutilation widely is considered normal. (I guess that in essence we tell our male newborns: “Man up, you fucking baby!”)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Babies, Boobs, & Blasphemy: Penises on the Ballot
"I have great hope that in my lifetime, male circumcision will become just as illegal as its female counterpart. Thanks to Lloyd Schofield, it may happen sooner than I anticipated!" "Sorry people, your right to "religious freedom" ends where your kid's genitals begin."

YouTube Video CanadianGirlsTalk: The Word Is Intact, Not Uncircumcised
Susie and Richanda received a comment suggesting they use the word intact not uncircumcised because uncircumcised makes it sound like circumcised is normal.

Male Circumcision and HIV: News coverage of the historic ballot measure
A list of news reports on the San Francisco Male Genital Mutilation Bill that obtained enough signatures to submit for certification. Once certified, the Bill will be on the Ballot in November.

Friday, April 29, 2011

YouTube Video CanadianGirlsTalk: She Did It For His "Future Girlfriends"
Susie and Richanda discuss a mother circumcising her baby boy for his "future girlfriends."

Intactivist Blog: Causing a Stir in San Fran
Discussion of the ballot measure in San Francisco, California, to ban male infant circumcision. The post presents many of the non-sensical comments made in mainstream media articles about the ballot measure. We can only hope that, over time, many of these people wise up to the harm of infant circumcision and recognize that circumcision of infants needs to stop.

Should I circumcise?: Mother, do you think they'll cut my nob?
Starting out with a reference to a Pink Floyd song, a father writes about male infant circumcision. He left his son intact. But he is upset with his mother for having him circumcised when he was born. His son's penis looks different than his and he wishes he were intact.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Salon: Men on making the cut
I was quoted for this article. I get tired of the "balanced" articles that try to present both sides of a story. They would never consider doing that for female circumcision, only for male circumcision. The real other side should be why parents persist in circumcising babies in spite of all the reasons against infant circumcision. At least the article presented some of the many reasons to avoid circumcision.