Intactivism: Week in Review April 2, 2011

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Whole World - Whole Children - Dr Momma.orgParents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.

This week is the Genital Integrity Awareness Week. Many intactivists participated in demonstrations throughout the United States. The picture to the right shows one poster used in the Washington, DC, demonstration and marches.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Reporter: Straight Talk: Senseless war against masturbation still rages
A teenager caught masturbating is grounded. The response is that it is now medically recognized that "Masturbation is a normal part of adolescent sexual development and requires no medical management." Years ago, circumcision was a common treatment to prevent masturbation. Intactivist Blog: on Facebook
The Intactivist Blog presents perspectives from many people supporting the movement to end routine infant circumcision in North America, especially in the United States. This new blog starts with several posts from people talking about what circumcision means to them.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chicago Sun Times: Northbrook man’s foreskin-restoration business to be featured on TLC
Ron Low, the man behind the TLC Tugger foreskin restoration device is getting lots of publicity about his upcoming appearance on Strange Sex, a TLC show. The article includes an interview of Ron, who talks about foreskin restoration.

International Coalition for Genital Integrity: Intactivists March for Genital Integrity Awareness Week
A listing of Intactivist events for the week. These events are in support of Genital Integrity Awareness Week. Demonstrations are held from Washington, DC, to Seatle, Washington.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pandamoly: Why I Support Genital Autonomy
A mother lists the questions she had about circumcision before she gave birth to her son. She discusses the answers she received from friends and relatives, plus the results of her research. She choose to leave her son intact. No circumcision for that boy!

The Examiner: Circumcision adverse event data missing from study, suppression alleged
In view of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) current effort to drafting recommendations regarding routine infant circumcision in the United States, the author asks where is information on the long term effects of male circumcision. Many men complain of loss of sexual pleasure as they get older. Drugs to treat ED are sold primarily in circumcising cultures to men who are circumcised. Too little is known about the long term effects of male circumcision.

Male Circumcision and HIV: NEW BOOK: The Intactivists: San Francisco Pride 2009-2010
David Wilton talks about his new book, The Intactivists: San Francisco Pride 2009-2010. The book is meant to be an object commemorating as well as documenting the efforts of all intactivists, particularly of those who marched in the parades and talked to people face to face.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Intactivists: Kathleen's Story
Kathleen recall's seeing a newborn baby's circumcised penis when she was 7 years old. She was shocked at seeing the bandaged penis. She ultimately married an intact man. She notes that sex with him is different than with circumcised men. Her son is also intact, with his whole penis. As she learned about the natural, normal penis, she realized that education is key to protecting our children.

Intactivists: An intact man's comments
An intact man describes growing up and living in America with a foreskin. He remained intact because his mother refused to have him circumcised. His mother was willing to divorce her husband if her son were to be circumcised.

NPR News: Hard Times Prompt Calls For Zany Medicaid Measures As Medicaid Budgets Squeezed, States Field Eccentric Ideas On Cutting Costs
All Headline News: As Medicaid Budgets Squeezed, States Field Eccentric Ideas On Cutting Costs
Unfortunately, the article lumps defunding non-therapeutic infant circumcision with two ideas that advocated by groups that stand to make money from their proposals. Defunding infant circumcision has immediate cost reduction and no one profits from it, except for all the boys that get to keep their penis whole.

Knoxvilledoula's Blog: Genital Integrity Awareness Week
A doula in Knoxville, Tennessee, lists the many reasons that she is against routine male circumcision. She implores parents to research infant circumcision to learn of the risks and dangers to unnecessary elective surgery done on baby boys.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Your Jewish News: Arkansas group proposes state ban on bris milah.
Saving Arkansas Newborns Everyday or S.A.N.E. is a group that seeks to ban routine infant circumcision. The group says it's wrong to alter the genitals of a non-consenting minor or make them go through an unnecessary procedure for any reason other than a threatening disease. The group spokesperson says, “I do believe that it's a human rights issue because I feel that all boys should have a choice.”

ABC News: Strange Sex: Man Regrows Foreskin, Woman Has Two Vaginas
An ABC News article about Ron Low and his upcoming appearance on Strange Sex. The TLC show airs on April 3 on TLC. Ron has almost completely restored his foreskin and he discusses the benefits of a foreskin during the show. He tells of his loss of sexual pleasure as he got older. After he started restoring his foreskin he began regaining what he lost from his circumcision and enjoyed sex more and more.

The Case Against Infant Circumcision: There is much evidence that infant circumcision contributes to poorer health outcomes in first world nations
Recent Australian (2009) research found that Australian Children had far superior health outcomes to a similar study that was conducted when routine infant circumcision was common. There are 19 countries who are ahead of the United States for child well being.

Babies, Boobs, & Blasphemy: It's a human thing
Why are women intactivists and fight against infant circumcision? Because they are human and believe that babies should not have their genitals cut up. Every human has a right to a whole body. Every human should defend that right.

Baby gooroo: Is Intact Making A Comeback?
An article about infant circumcision, discussing its history and how it is currently falling out of favor. Yes, the locker room of the future will be filled with uncircumcised guys. Those who are circumcised will be in the minority.

Male Circumcision and HIV: In HIV-ravaged Rwanda, government comes up with two great reasons to skip the condom
Rwanda's government has said it wants to encourage men to have vasectomies in a bid to stem the small landlocked country's growing population. It would be done along with its HIV prevention campaign to encourage all men to be circumcised. Hmm. Both vasectomies and circumcisions offered to reduce population and HIV.

Beyond the Bris: Howard Stern: Jewish Intactivist
Howard Stern once again spoke out against male infant circumcision when he told his satellite radio audience that infant circumcision should be illegal. In a half-hour segment, Stern interviewed Ron Low, an anti-circumcision activist and industrial engineer who developed and actively promotes foreskin restoration devices such as the TLC Tugger.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Snellville Patch: Moms Talk: Is Circumcision Best?
Another silly "what do you think" post where the real information is in the comments section. Many commentors provide information on the harm of male infant circumcision.

Fox News: 'Strange Sex' Exploring More Bizarre Bedroom Behavior, Mysterious Medical Conditions
Ron Low, the maker of foreskin restoration devices such as the TLC Tugger and TLC-X, is being featured on the The Learning Channel show Strange Sex. Ron describes the advantages and benefits to having a foreskin, even a restored one.

Male Circumcision and HIV: BMJ: Circumcision in boys and girls, Why the double standard?
Mihail Evans, former postdoctoral researcher in ethics and philosophy, University of the West of England, discusses the odd double standard that tolerates male genital cutting, but condemns female genital cutting.

The Smoking Jacket: TLC’s Strange Sex Returns with Episode about Foreskin Restoration
YouTube: That's Beautiful

An exclusive clip from the upcoming TLC series "Strange Sex" featuring Ron Low and his wife talking about foreskin restoration and the benefits of having a foreskin.

Mother Jones: On the Mall, Penis Trumps Tea-ness
Recently, intactivists celebrated the Genital Integrity Awareness Week with demonstrations. One such demonstration was in Washington, DC. The Tea Party also scheduled a demonstration in Washington, DC, during the same period. The intactivists obtained their demonstration permit first and had a much better location than the Tea Party demonstrators.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Male Circumcision and HIV: American Journal of Preventive Medicine: Male Circumcision and HIV Prevention: Insufficient Evidence and Neglected External Validity
Recommending mass circumcision by generalizing from the three Africa studes to the diverse populations of Africa highlights problems of external validity identifıed in several areas of preventive medicine and public health research. Studies published since the three Africa studes show that 1) male circumcision is not correlated with lower HIV prevalence in some sub-Saharan populations; 2) circumcision is correlated with increased transmission of HIV to women; and 3) male circumcision is not a cost effective strategy against HIV. ‘Strange Sex’ will explore medical abnormalities, unusual fetishes
TruthDive: ‘Strange Sex’ will explore medical abnormalities, unusual fetishes
Daily News & Analysis: ‘Strange Sex’ will explore medical abnormalities, unusual fetishes
sify movies: ‘Strange Sex’ will explore medical abnormalities, unusual fetishes
More publicity for Ron Low. He is being featured on the TLC show Strange Sex. He operates TLC Tugger, a foreskin restoration device maker.