Intactivism: Week in Review April 16, 2011

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International Child for Genital Autonomy symbol - no circumcision for any childParents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.

The big news this week is the legislation in Arizona to accept circumcision papers or documentation as proof of citizenship for those running for public office. See Arizona Passes Birther Bill and Arizona plows controversial ground with birther bill.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

babies, boobs, and blasphemy: Showers... and Silly Pro-Circ Argument #4
For all those that advocate infant circumcision for hygiene - get real! This mother describes how the penis the one body part that her son is sure to wash when bathing. Cleaning under the foreskin is simple and easy. And there is not a male alive who will not take a moment to play with it in the shower or bath.

no circumcision: A Case Against Circumcision
A doctor describes what is wrong with infant circumcisions. She gives 7 reasons not to circumcise a baby boy.

Monday, April 11, 2011

babycenter Momformation blog - Mom Stories:  Can the uncircumcised penis be beautiful?
The author initially thought the intact penis was ugly. After taking an art class and having to draw "butt nekkid people on a daily basis," she came to realize that all penises are beautiful. Because of that realization, she left her sons intact when they were born. Circumcision was unnecessary.

Male Circumcision and HIV:  18th Annual March on Washington for Genital Integrity
18th Annual March Against Infant Circumcision in Washington, DC on
April 2, 2011. The video is a compilation of interviews and footage from the event.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brennpunkt (Norway): Require a ban on ritual circumcision?
Google translation of Norwegian webpage: Norway is considering a minimum age for circumcision of boys and other non-medical interventions on children. Currently in Norway, male circumcision is done for religious reasons, but few doctors perform circumcisions because it is now believed that infant and child circumcision violates medical ethics and violates the rights of the child.

The Houston Chronicle: Chopping Block: Circumcision
The paper answers the question of how much money Texas could save by no longer having Medicaid pay for infant circumcisions in Texas. Medicaid pays about $2.4 million every year to circumcise baby boys. Because infant circumcision is non-therapeutic, the state could make an immediate savings by stopping unnecessary circumcision.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: Is the Pain of Circumcision Truly "Brief"?
One of the most popular excuses that some parents and doctors use in their decision to unnecessarily amputate the healthy prepuce of a newborn male is the mythological argument that "babies do not feel pain." I call BS! Babies feel pain. In fact, as newborns they do not have any mechanism to deal with the pain that they feel. This is one of the reasons baby boys commonly pass out or go into shock when they are circumcised. Foolish parents think the baby is sleeping. *sheesh*

Male Circumcision and HIV:  TEXAS: State Medicaid program could save $2.4 million a year by dropping infant circumcision
Medicaid pays for male infant circumcision in many states although it is not required and is non-therapeutic. Given the current budget crunch suffered by many states and the Federal government, unnecessary medical treatments should be dropped immediately. Male infant circumcision is unnecessary and can be postponed until the baby grows up to be an adult.

HDFS363 - Infant Development & Care - Spring 2011: Circumcision of Male Infants in the U.S.: Medical Necessity or Social Norm?
A student writes about how infant circumcision in the United States a cultural norm maintained through the parents' social anxieties because circumcision is an unnecessary medical procedure. 

Mission Viejo Patch: It's a Boy! Should You Circumcise?
Two mothers respond to the circumcision question: "My personal belief is that this is an unnecessary surgery to put a baby through, unless your religion dictates that circumcision be done.  Cleanliness can be taught, and as for the masturbation issue, those social morals are antiquated." and "After some consideration and research, I am totally against it.  Culture and religion have great things to add to our lives, but this is not one of them."

Gay Locker: Are you a foreskin fanatic?
An intact man discusses foreskin restoration and how sexual pleasure can be increased by restoring the foreskin.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Boy's life worth $230,000 after death from circumcision
What's a boy's life worth to the family that will never see him grow up? Hard to say, but the risk of pursuing the real value of his life was deemed too great and the family settled for $230,000.

Forms of Male and Female Genital CuttingFriday, April 15, 2011

Dr Momma Peaceful Parenting: Male and Female Circumcision
Many get upset when male genital cutting (MGC or MGM) is compared to female genital cutting (FGC or FGM). The  article presents a chart showing how the genital cutting of males and females compare. Both MGM and FGM involve the involuntary cutting of a person's sex organ. Does it really matter if the child is a boy or a girl? Why should any child be forcibly held down and have a healthy part of their body cut off?

Male Circumcision and HIV: The Debate comes down to this question, Should teens make circumcision decision?
David Wilton provides an insightful critique of a recent article that posited the question regarding whether teens should decide the circumcision question. The article is biased toward circumcision without coming out and saying so. It is one of the many posts that is following the trend of not presenting facts but presenting opinions of others and asking the reader to give their opinion. (The author never addressed the question posed in the title.)

Woodinville Patch: Caring for your Intact Son
A mother describes how to care for an intact penis, that is, one that has not been circumcised (commonly called uncircumcised). First rule: Leave it alone! Never retract the foreskin. Ballooning or a slight and temporary bulging while urinating is totally normal. Second rule: Ask about it! Once the child reaches the potty training phase of life, it’s time to teach the proper care and maintenance of his genitalia.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Male Circumcision and HIV: RAW STORY: Arizona ‘birther’ law to accept circumcision papers as proof of citizenship
Circumcision is such a part of the American culture that Arizona will accept a circumcision certificate in lieu of a birth certificate. Arizona is seeking to require all presidential candidates to proof they are eligble to be President. The Arizona legislation requires proof of citizenship and they are willing to accept proof of circumcision to show citizenship. 

Blooming Perfect: Intactivists
Intactivists seek to protect children from genital cutting. All children should be able to grow up with their intact sex organs. Circumcision removes valuable body parts.


#1 I agree that when a child

I agree that when a child reaches the potty training phase of life, it’s time to teach the proper care and maintenance of his genitalia.

#2 Working with

Hi there,

My name is Ella Moss and I write on behalf of one of the UK's leading consumer advice portals. I'm just finishing up some guides over the next day or two which will focus on highlighting financial education and helping kids and families with their finances.

Although the site is UK based, I've kept a broad international audience in mind, including some US and EU centred content.

Would you be interested in checking out the guides and offering some feedback when live? I'd love to hear what you think (I came across your site doing some research -
