Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
An upcoming event is the Capitol Vigil for the Right to Genital Integrity. On Wednesday, February 9, 2011, at 11:30am - 3:30pm, a vigil will be held at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem. A Facebook event page has more details about the intactivist vigil to support genital integrity and inform others of the harm of infant circumcision and genital cutting of children. The genital integrity vigil is sponsored by W.O.N.- Whole Oregon Newborns.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Rockin' Momma: I'm going to give my newborn a tattoo!
Why do people get upset with giving babies tattoos, but they are OK with cutting off part of a baby boys sex organ? Circumcision sux!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Daily Guggie Daly: Confessions of an Intact Teen
A 13 year old intact boy watched a circumcision video and had this to say: "It made me sick to my stomach. I can't believe the doctor did that to a baby. I can't believe people like that are allowed to walk free after torturing a baby on their most sensitive spot. Why did the dad just sit there? Why didn't the dad hit the doctor, push him away, grab his baby and run?"
YouTube Video: Circumcision protests in the 1990s
Excerpts from the film "Whose Body? Whose Rights?" showing activism against the genital mutilation of infant boys.
YouTube Video: Confessions of a Circumcised American Dad
A video interview of a father who discusses how he first learned that he was circumcised. He discusses his feelings about being circumcised. He talks about why his first son was circumcised and his second son is intact. He researched the issue before his second son was born and learned how horrible male infant circumcision is. He asks, "When does it stop?"
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Canadian Council for Democracy: The Commons: Knive Fetish
A review of Barbara Kay's irrational blog advocating male infant circumcision. Her opinion piece had few facts, none of which were correctly presented. Despite her attempts to rationalize her affection for this form of cosmetic surgery – imposed on babies – circumcision is painful and it is dangerous.
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: A young life passes
A doctor and a mohel writes about how he circumcised the corpse of a baby boy who died shortly after birth.
Dr Momma Peaceful Parenting: Really do care
Lyrics to a song written about someone who cares that some mother is about to circumcise her infant boy. The mother syys it is her baby and she can do what she wants. A sad song about parental rights gone wrong.
Support Slicing Off Baby Earlobes: A parody of infant circumcision
"Where I grew up, when babies are born, the parents make sure the doctor or religious clergyman removes the earlobes of the newborn. And personally, I am glad I had it done, even though I don’t know what it is like to have earlobes." This sounds so much like infant circumcision. I never could figure out why guys say the prefer being circumcised. Like they have any idea since they were cut at birth.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Good Feed - The Good Man Project: Foreskin Man to the Rescue
A review of the comic book Foreskin Man, No. 2. The comic portrays a superhero fighting to stop infant circumcisions everywhere.
Canadian Council for Democracy: Circumcision as Child Abuse
Whatever information parents are acting on, whatever good intentions they may have, when parents consent to have part of their baby boy’s penis cut off, they are permitting and condoning child abuse. Taking a knife and excising a necessary, functional, and useful portion of skin is child abuse. If it were any other body part being cut off, we would be crying out at how inhumane the parents are being and stop them from doing it.
The Moscow Times: In the Spotlight
This week, Channel One was the joke as more than a million people watched a YouTube video of its show “Living Healthily.” The schoolteacher-like host, Yelena Malysheva, decided to demonstrate circumcision — not the norm in Russia — and struggled to find the right euphemistic visual aid. She called a woman from the audience in a polo neck jumper and pulled the neck over her head to represent the foreskin. Then she sprinkled glitter on the top of the woman’s head to show an infection. Grabbing a pair of scissors, she said cheerily “we’ll give you back the sweater,” and chopped off the top of the jumper. She also seemed to take quite a bit of the woman’s hair away. To cap it all, a rabbi was watching in dismay in the studio.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Women Are Victims Too: It's Time to Break the Silence
A new blog: A bunch of women joined together recently in an online group created for those who feel that they - in some way - have been adversely affected by male infant circumcision. Over the coming weeks, maybe months, these women will share with you their personal accounts in the hope that we can make our voices heard and get the truth out there about what male circumcision really is- from a woman's perspective.
Canadian Council for Democracy: A Ritual Carve Out?
Infant genital mutilation, whether perpetrated against a boy or a girl, is an affront to the autonomy and sovereignty of the individual. It clashes with the philosophical underpinnings of society, and it should be illegal. Banning ritual infant circumcision does not violate the liberal notion of freedom of religion. It is a perversion of western liberalism to use religious freedom as a cover for forced mutilation. Basically, a person's right to swing their fist ends at another person's nose. Currently, the natural sovereignty, dignity, and bodily integrity that is inherent in being human is subject to the freedom of religion of a parent, material harm be damned. That is not right.
The Case Against Infant Circumcision: Why Infant Circumcision is wrong
Five reasons are given why male infant circumcision is wrong. First, circumcision harms the infant by removing healthy tissue. Second, foreskin is normal, erogenous tissue. Third, circumcision is unethical because it removes healthy tissue from a non-consenting person. Fourth, circumcision is not required for good health! Fifth, infant circumcision for HIV and STD prevention is a misleading policy - babies do not get STD from sex.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Circumcision Stupidity: I'll Have A Side Of Euthanasia With That Genital Cutting, Please!
A new blog with the focus on Stupid Sh*t Real People Say About Genital Cutting. The first post describes a post made by someone that they would chose euthanasia when they have their son circumcised. Sadly, some men with botched circumcisions say that euthanasia should be an option, considering how what should be their most pleasurable body part has been damaged and, in some cases, painful to use.
Women Are Victims Too: Marriage and Foreskin: One Couple's Journey to Restoration
A woman describes how circumcision affected her sex life with her circumcised husband. Sex hurt for her, even though they used lots of lube. He started restoring his foreskin and she noticed the difference after a short while. They both enjoy sex a lot more now that he has restored.