Intactivism: Week in Review February 26, 2011

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No Circumcision - children deserve to grow up with their whole bodyParents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dr Momma Peaceful Parenting: Lives Changed: A Willingness to Speak Up
A mother of three boys describes how she recently learned that she blindly had her sons circumcised for no reason. She has since apologized to her sons for having part of their sex organs removed at birth.

no circumcision: Why Does Circumcision Persist
Parents have been misinformed by the medical community about circumcision, and they now are repeating the mistakes of the past, ingrained by familiarity and tradition. Doctors get paid extra fees, and hospitals also get paid a facility fee for each circumcision. The average amount invoiced to insurance carriers is on average $1500 per circumcision. Also, circumcised infants typically have longer hospital stays which increases revenue. Also, under the law, hospitals automatically retain ownership of harvested infant foreskin tissue. Neonatal tissue has unique stem cells and growth factors which are valuable. Hospitals can then sell infant foreskin tissue to bio-tech and cosmetic companies for further profit.

Monday, February 21, 2011

taiyarrific - mom on a mission: I Know I Know Nothing & Why I Chose Not To Chop
A mom cannot circumcise her son after he is born. "We had worked so hard in doing everything in our power, even when faced with adversity to make sure his arrival into this world was a peaceful and gentle experience and now that he was born I could see how perfect he was in every single way – there was no way I was going to inflict any sort of trauma to my baby boy."

Birth Junkie: I TRUST BIRTH…how ’bout you?
A mother writes about trusting birth. She asks "why all the confusion and stress about what to do with an infant’s foreskin that involuntarily grew on his penis in the first place? Leave it alone."

Controversial Annie: Illegal Female Genital Mutilation Vs. Legal Male Circumcision
A feminist compares female genital mutilation against male genital cutting. Although she considers male infant circumcision wrong, she still thinks that MGM is incomparable to FGM. Cutting the genitals of any child is wrong, regardless of gender.

The WHOLE Network: Call for sponsorships
Travis Wisdom is seeking sponsors for several intactivist-related events. Travis is an intern for the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC). He also interned with Doctors Opposing Circumcision, and has published articles with The Whole Woman and for the Childbirth Postpartum Professional Association on topics related to circumcision.

Beyond the Bris: Am I a Jew? Do I Want to Be?
The issue of circumcision, which I'll call genital mutilation or just GM, illustrates the problems of mankind. When custom and tradition become embedded in religion (or vice versa), a human rights violation can become overlooked, even accepted into society. Such is circumcision.

A spoof of the proposed ban against infant circumcision in San Francisco. Although there is no ban yet in San Francisco, World Weekly News does a good job talking about why such a ban would be a good thing.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Momma Crafty: Circumcision: The Non-Debate
A mother writes that the decision to circumcise your child is a non-debate. It is not your penis. It is not your right. Circumcision is a cosmetic surgery that your child may not want and did not give consent for. Making the decision to circumcise for your child is selfish, you cannot possibly know what the child wants or what the child will experience in life. It is the parents' job to protect their child and cutting pieces of them off is not very protective.

The Mercury: Circumcision no Aids cure, says monarch
Men who believed that circumcision had rendered them immune to contracting HIV would die, Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini warned yesterday. “I wish to reiterate that at no point have I suggested that circumcision is a cure for HIV/AIDS." However, they are still promoting male circumcision for Zulus.

The Spoof!: 'Frisco Gay Escorts Complain About "Lack of Tips" as they Mount Attack Against Circumcision!
There is no such thing as bad publicity. The Spoof! makes fun of the proposed ban against infant circumcision in San Francisco. "Guys really need to get on board with this movement," sniffed Peter petulantly, "it's a human right type of thing; no one should have the power to mess around with your dick when you can't defend yourself, and besides, a little hoodie will help keep your pecker warm in the warming you know, not to mention some people still just love to play hide 'n seek!"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Star Online: Brave new world in HIV fight
A new study on the acceptance of various strategies for reducing HIV among gay men is being released. "Researchers found it would be difficult to sustain higher levels of condom use, while adult circumcision was unacceptable." Men who know the value of a foreskin want to keep it. That is no surprise to me.

Natural News: San Francisco considers banning infant male circumcision
A report on the proposed ballot measure to ban infant circumcision in San Francisco. "I always knew [circumcision] was something wrong to do to a child," said San Francisco resident Lloyd Schofield, creator of the bill. According to Doctors Opposing Circumcision (DOC), an organization of physicians and others who oppose non-therapeutic neonatal circumcision, the procedure is highly dangerous to baby boys. Not only does the procedure cause up to 7,000 serious complications for every 100,000 that take place, according to statistics, but it sometimes results in permanent sexual injury and even death.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

FoxNews: Circumcision Ban in San Francisco?
A video clip of Megyn Kelly interviewing Lloyd Schofield about the San Francisco proposed ballot measure to ban infant circumcision. Lloyd discusses the SF MGMBill effort and why male infant circumcision is harmful.

MEDIAite: Megyn Kelly Cuts To The Chase In Interview With Anti-Circumcision Activist
A video interview of Lloyd Schofield, the anti-circumcision activist or “Intactivist” who is promoting the infant circumcision ban in San Francisco. Lloyd makes many good points about the harms of infant circumcision.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Beyond the Bris: A Comment on "The Measure of His Grief"
A book review of The Measure of His Grief. The book describes a Jewish man who comes to regret his own circumcision. “The Measure of His Grief” is fictional, yet the information presented about infant circumcision and the controversy surrounding it is largely factual.