Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Daily Guggie Daly: Confessions of a Mom who Witnessed Circumcision
A mother watches her infant son be circumcised. Fortunately for the baby, he was anesthesized with a dorsal block and was spared much of the pain of the circumcision.
The Daily Guggie Daly: Confessions of a Mom who Circumcised
A mother writes a letter to her son apologizing for having him circumcised shortly after he was born. She now realizes that infant circumcision is a mistake.
The Daily Guggie Daly: Catholics who Circumcised, Do not Despair
Circumcision is strongly condemned and opposed by the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, many American Catholics believe circumcision is either inconsequential to their faith or a necessary practice of their faith.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Daily Sundial: Would an uncircumcised man be a stop sign in the bedroom?
Many comments to the post asking this question confirm that an intact penis, that is, one that is not circumcised, is desirable in the bedroom. "No, uncircumcised penis can be very welcome sight." "Women who have had sex with circumcised and intact men prefer intact men 8 to 1. (O'Hara)" See Women overwhelmingly prefer sex with a man who has a foreskin.
Eco Child's Play: Oregon Supreme Court Protected 12-Year-Old Boy from Religious Circumcision
In a divorce gone bad, the father fights to have his son circumcised, claiming religious reasons. The mother fights for her son to remain intact. The final outcome is that the 12 year old boy gets to keep his foreskin. The court ruled that it was the boy's decision if he wanted to be circumcised, not his father's decision. The parents do not have a right to decide on circumcision for the boy. Now if only a court would make a similar ruling for an infant boy. History: Reasons to Support Our Mission
The Salem-News supports the truth about uncomfortable subjects, such as male genital mutilation, commonly known as male infant circumcision, and female genital mutilation, which is not as common in the US.
YouTube: Mario Lopez Condemns Circumcision - Howard Stern Show Feb 10, 2011
Howard Stern interviews Mario Lopez, who talks about being intact. Mario was not circumcised. He publicly stated that he would not circumcise his son, if he were to have one.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
lifeandtimesofanonymouswoman: I did not circumcise my son, SO WHAT!
A mother of a newborn boy is amazed at how people asked her, "did you have him circumcised?" or visitors at the hospital asking, "when will he be circumcised?"
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: Circumcision NOT linked to HIV
A December 2010 study in PLoS showed that circumcision was NOT associated with reduced HIV in the general population, but was associated with inconsistent condom use.
Male Circumcision and HIV: RT: Genital Mutilation: America's double standards
A video of a Russia Today (RT) broadcast pointing out that the US condemns genital mutilation abroad but allows cutting at home. The US is hypocritical by trying to stop female genital cutting, and not only doing genital cutting of some girls with "large" clits, but also advocating male genital cutting.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Daily Guggie Daly: Circumcision Increases the Risk of Contracting HIV
A recent study is misleading in its correlation between circumcision and HIV. Researcher bias for circumcision provides another study with slanted results.
Chicago Tribune Health: It's a boy! (Are you having him circumcised?)
Another mainstream media article about circumcision. They present both sides, but lean on the premise that infant circumcision helps prevent transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Where is the common sense? Babies do not get HIV and STDs from sex. Infant circumcision for that reason does not make sense. Parents should teach their children safe sex habits and let their child decide when he grows up.
The Case Against Infant Circumcision: Male Anger at Infant Circumcision 1
Many men circumcised as infants are angry, very very angry about it! They were never given a voice and never given a choice, their human rights about making decisions over their own bodies were violated and they are very angry about that too!!
Beyond the Bris: What Circumcision and Bunnies Have in Common
Experts recognize that trauma to animals shortly after birth has adverse effects. But, few realize that the same is true for humans. Infant circumcision is traumatic and effects the boys.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Maiya knits. Mayhem ensues: Why I Left My Sons Intact
A mother of two boys tells why she left them intact. Infant circumcision is a human rights issue and is an improper health care measure.
The WHOLE Network: The Active Intactivist: A letter to my son . . .
A mother writes a letter to her son apologizing for his infant circumcision. She admits that she was wrong to let him be circumcised. She writes, "When they handed you back to me [after your circumcision] I could hardly breath. The look on your face was that of shock, pain and betrayal. I held you close to me and whispered through my tears, 'Oh my God, I am so sorry. I am so sorry, I am so sorry...'”
Friday, February 18, 2011
Jesus and Mo: Slack and Circumcision
Mo does not want circumcision outlawed and Jesus questions circumcision. A very interesting comic.
Babble: The Uncircumcised Penis: One mother’s stance against infant circumcision
Why circumcise a baby? The trend started in America in large part to keep boys from masturbating. Physicians writing in the 19th century even said the surgery should be done without medication so that a child will associate his genitals with pain. The male foreskin is not a superfluous body part; it protects the penis when a boy is a child and also plays a key role in female pleasure when a boy is a man. Let’s keep American baby boys intact. It’s wrong to force an irreversible circumcision on a child when he is too young to decide for himself.
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: Men Ask, "Why Was I Circumcised?"
Men speak out about their circumcisions. They ask their parents why they were circumcised. Many men are upset that their parents fail to apologize or even acknowledge their feelings af having their bodies violated when they were circumcised.
The Bay Citizen: Circumcision Ban Headed for November Ballot, According to Supporters
The SF Examiner: San Francisco circumcision ban headed for November ballot
SF Weekly: Circumcision Ban Could Make the Cut For November Ballot
A campaign to make the circumcision of children illegal is gathering signatures for a ballot initiative in San Francisco. The ballot seeks to make it "unlawful to circumcise, excise, cut, or mutilate the whole or any part of the foreskin, testicles, or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18 years." Lloyd Schofield, the man behind the initiative, said, "This subject of forced male mutilation has gotten worldwide attention and a lot of people are past the joking part of it."
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Strollerderby: Circumcision: A mom's perspective
A mom of an intact boy comments on a recent Babble post in favor of leaving boys intact. "Scientifically and spiritually thinking, I could not reason why a boy would be born with a part that needed to be removed. It just doesn’t make sense."
danadogooder: Pinocchio
A mother describes raising three intact boys. She says that gave her boys the gift that keeps on giving. Why? Because it is like a toy a “Jack in the Box” that they will have with them at all times!
#1 Great updates thanx
Great updates thanx