Intactivism: Week in Review February 12, 2011

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Pogo: We have met the enemy and he is us. (Why do we continue to circumcise our baby boys?)Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.

The graphic accompanying this post refers to my despair at how humans treat each other. Circumcision and genital cutting of children continues because parents allow it. Instead of protecting their children from harm, parents allow others to cut off parts of their children's genitals.  

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Case Against Infant Circumcision: The Circumcision Lies 1
In order to continue and promote infant circumcison, circumcision advocates lie about the normal human anatomy, such as that the foreskin serves no function. They ignore that the foreskin is erogenous tissue.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Daily Guggie Daly: On the Outside Looking in
For a school project, a young woman writes a fictional account of a newborn brother with Left Hypoplastic Heart Syndrome (LHHS). The parents want to circumcise the fragile, sick infant. Unfortunately, the baby does not survive the non-therapeutic surgery.

Pipe Dream: What a cock-blocker taught me about circumcision
A college student describes how a cock-blocker came between her and a prospective good time and dropped a bombshell that the guy was intact - never been circumcised. They did not hook up that night. She talked to some guy friends, which induced her to Google it. She decided to contact the intact guy and they got together. She liked sex with an intact guy enough to want to do it again.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Case Against Infant Circumcision: Why infant circumcision has failed America
Infant circumcision has failed America because it has failed against its own claims. Americans have claimed they perform infant circumcision because it has health benefits. That is not true because the harms of the infant surgery far outweight any supposed benefits. Infant mortality is another measure of public health, and the USA does very poorly compared to other western countries that do not routinely circumcise babies.

The Active Intactivist at The WHOLE Network: Numerous Veterinarians Caught Altering Dog Genitalia
A parody illustrating how senseless it is to cut the genitalia of any creature, dog or baby boy or girl. Although circumcising dogs is not done, it is notable that any surgery done on dogs is done with anesthesia, unlike how many baby boys are circumcised without anesthesia.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Case Against Infant Circumcision: Sensitivity of the Penis Foreskin & Circumcision
A discussion of the Sorrells study that found that the glans of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised or intact penis. Circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis.

The Case Against Infant Circumcision: Parents who Circumcise their infants
Parents who circumcise their infants  are loving caring people who believe that they are doing the best for their child. Understanding the reasons parents want to cut off part of their son' sex organ is the first step in educating them of the harms of circumcision.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Women are Victims, Too: A Letter To My Son
A mother writes a letter to her son apologizing for letting him be circumcised shortly after birth. She now knows that infant circumcision is harmful and she asks for forgiveness for the harm she caused her son by letting him be circumcised.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

End Routine Infant Circumcision: I Hate That I Was Circumcised
A man laments that he was circumcised. He writes: "I hate that I was circumcised. It pisses me off." He has become an intactivist by informing others of the harm of circumcision.

Dr Momma Peaceful Parenting: A Letter To My Son
A reprint of the post on Women are Victims, Too where a mother writes a letter apologizing to her son for letting him be circumcised shortly after birth.

Saleonl: Physician's Group Applauds Oregon Supreme Court for Protecting Boy from Circumcision
Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.) celebrated the decision by the Oregon Supreme Court this week that granted a 12-year-old Washington boy the right to refuse a religious circumcision. Doctors Opposing Circumcision called it a step forward for children's rights.

YouTube Video: Advanced Devices Foreskin Restoration Supercanister Device

The Super Canister is a foreskin restoration device available at FORESKIN RESTORATION.INFO The video demonstrates how the canister works.