As of today, I have been restoring my foreskin for 15 months. I went from having tight erections to having enough slack skin that I can cover my glans when erect (if I pull the skin forward). If I don't pull the skin forward, my skin bunches behind my corona.
Even though it has been a long time, I don't feel like I have spent a lot of time working at restoring. My preferred method of restoring is to manual tug. When I started tugging, I spent up to two hours a day tugging. I spend less than an hour now. It does not feel like much because I multitask. I tug when I wake up in the morning with my morning wood. I tug in the shower. I tug for a minute or so every time I go to the bathroom. I tug when I am watching television or surfing the 'net. The minutes add up and I don't really feel like I am taking time out of the day to tug.
After a year and quarter of tugging, it does not feel right if I don't tug. I have been doing it long enough that it is a habit. One that I don't even think about.
Growth is still slow. I have full flaccid coverage, most of the time. I wear briefs and they hold my skin forward so I have flaccid coverage whenever I am wearing clothes. When I get out of a hot shower, the tip of my restored foreskin is usually about even with the tip of my glans. Sometimes it retracts to the corona. I just pull it forward and it stays. Other times when I am not wearing clothes my foreskin fully encloses my glans and there is pucker at the end of the foreskin.
I still wear a foreskin retainer to bed. If I don't, when I have a nocturnal erection my glans rubs against the sheets. The irritation is usually enough to wake me.
The reason my glans is irritated by my bed sheets is because it has gotten very sensitive from being covered with my restored foreskin. When erect, my glans is smooth and glossy. It looks like it is wet and water is reflecting from it. I am beginning to notice it is sometimes shiny and glossy when flaccid. This is a big difference from the rough, skin colored glans I used to have.
My inner foreskin remnant is also starting to get smooth and glossy. Up until now, this part of my foreskin has had creases and folds in it. I manual tug by grabbing my inner foreskin remnant with one the fingers of one hand. I think the abrasion from manual tugging is keeping the inner foreskin from getting fully restored to its mucous membrane state.
Both my glans and inner foreskin are very sensitive. I can run a fingertip lightly over my glans and down my shaft. The feeling is fantastic until my fingertip touches my outer shaft skin. The difference between the inner and outer skin of the foreskin is amazing. I blogged about the increased sensitivity from restoring here and here.
My current goal is to grow enough inner foreskin so that it covers my glans. The inner foreskin is much more sensitive than my outer skin. I want a lot of inner foreskin so that the sensitive inner foreskin touches my sensitive glans. Unfortunately, my inner foreskin remnant seems like it is barely growing. My outer skin grows much quicker than my inner mucous membrane. I am concentrating all my tugging efforts on my inner foreskin. I still need about an inch (25mm) of additional inner foreskin to cover my glans.